Section 3.1 Board- Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
There shall be an Executive Leadership Team of the NPG, which shall consist of the following appointed or elected voting members:
Elected Positions
- President
- Vice President Operations & Strategy
- Director of Administration
- Director of Membership
- Director of Finance
- Secretary
Appointed Positions
- Director of Special Projects
- Director of IT & Media
- Immediate Past President
Section 3.2 Eligibility and Criteria
A candidate for an elected office shall meet the following eligibility criteria:
- The candidate must be a member of the association for at least six (6) months prior to the time of nomination; and
- For all offices, except for the office of the President, the candidate must either have held a previous leadership position or have a minimum of five (3) years of business experience in the private, government, or educational sectors.
- For the office of the President, it is required that the candidate has an MBA or other advanced degree and served at least one year on the ELT prior to nomination for president. This eligibility and criteria can be waived, in its discretion, by a majority vote of the Advisory Board.
Section 3.3 Responsibilities and Duties of the ELT
The purpose of the Executive Board shall be to manage the affairs of the association. The members of the Executive Board shall consult together concerning any affairs, activities, needs, and problems of the association. The Executive Board shall adopt programs that will promote the progress and welfare of the association, including, but without limitation, the providing of channels of communication between others and the NPG. Specifically, the Executive Board shall:
- Serve based on the provisions of the NPG Constitution.
- Determine all questions of policy and shall administer the affairs of the association under the Constitution and the general provisions of the law under which the NPG is incorporated.
- Be subject to the orders of the membership and none of its acts shall conflict with the decisions made by the vote of the general body, or the goals and objectives of the NPG.
- Be the authorized representative of the association between general membership meetings.
- Be subject to a hearing before an ad hoc review committee, if any standing committee officer or Executive Board Member is accused of willfully violating policy, grossly neglecting his or her duty, and/or behaving in such a manner as to bring discredit to the association. Any use of said authority shall be with a favorable majority vote of the Executive Board. If justified by its findings, the Executive Board shall proceed according to the provisions for discipline as indicated in the NPG Bylaws.
- Have the authority to enact provisions for accumulating and depositing funds collected for the association and shall be responsible for setting up rules and regulations for administering the financial affairs of the association.
- Have the authority to direct any officer of the association to perform such special duties as may be required for the benefit of the association.
- Not receive any salary for service.
- Coordinate activities at all levels of the association.
Section 3.4 Terms of Office
The term of office for the ELT officers, standing committee chairs, and appointed positions will be two (2) years and will commence the first day of January immediately following the election. However, no officers will be relieved of the duties of their office until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and have accepted the oath of office. All Executive Board officers may serve up to but not exceeding two (2) consecutive terms in the same position (also reference Section 4.8).
There is no limit to the term of standing committee chairs and other appointed positions.
VP Ops & Strategy: Committees
- Program Operations
- Corporate Relations
- Strategy
Director of Administration: Committees
- Mentorship program
- University Relations,
- Nigerian Leaders of Tomorrow scholarship committees
Director of Membership: Committees
- Membership Relations
- Community Partnerships
Director of IT & Media: Committee
- IT
- Social Media
- Public relations
- Marketing and Promotions (Online/ Offline)
Director of Finance: Committee
- Financial Operations
- Fundraising
- Financial & Regulatory Reporting
Compliance committees
Section 3.10 ELT Individual Responsibilities
The responsibilities and duties of each member of the ELT shall be as follows:
3.10.1 President:
The President shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the association by developing the goals and objectives that are in line with the NPG’s mission statement. All elected Officers and ad-hoc committee directors shall report directly to this office.
The scope of duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Acting as official spokesperson for the association and is charged with the overall administration of the corporation and maintaining a positive image of the association.
- Presiding at all general Membership meetings, Executive Board meetings, and special meetings.
- Representing the association before the NPG.
- Serve as the secretary to the Board of Advisor
- Appointing or removing standing committee directors for those who are removed or resign from office with the concurrence of a majority vote of the ELT.
- Appointing and replacement Officers or committee directors for those who are removed or resign from office with the concurrence of a majority vote of the ELT.
- Leading the association toward business and service excellence for our membership and partners.
- Leading the association in the development and maintenance of its strategic and operational plan.
- Acting in a timely, collaborative, and responsive manner to the membership, Executive Board Officers, and partners.
- Ensuring that the ELT and membership is advised of initiatives, responsibilities, and/or deliverables as communicated from the NPG.
- Calling special meetings.
- Creating ad-hoc committees for specific goals or missions except for a review committee.
- Casting a deciding vote in the event of a tie at Executive Board, general, or special meetings.
- Signing check authorization requests before the Vice President of Finance releases funds.
- Serving as ex-officio voting member of all committees, when necessary.
- Overseeing implementation of and revisions to the Constitution & Bylaws
Vice President Operations & Strategy
The committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to: Program Operations, Corporate Relations, and Strategy. The scope of duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Presiding at meetings in absence of the President.
- Oversight function and ex-officio member of the strategy committee
- Seeking opportunities where the association and its members can benefit from or assist companies.
- Completing special projects as delegated by the President or the Executive Board of Advisor.
- Signing check authorization requests in the absence of the President or Vice President of Operation before the Vice President of Finance releases funds.
- Serving as an ex-officio member of Program Operations, Corporate Relations, and Strategy committees.
- Assuming the office of President if the President cannot complete his or her term and appointing any temporary Executive Board Officer replacements necessary, pending Executive Board approval of majority vote until vacancy elections can be held as outlined in Article III Section 3.7 of the Bylaws.
- Securing corporate partnerships and sponsorships, as necessary.
- Overseeing and responding to Corporate Relation matters, as necessary.
- Leading the association in the development and maintenance of its strategic plan.
- Leading the association’s corporate partnerships and sponsorships initiatives
3.10.3 Director of Administration
The committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to Mentorship program, University Relations, and Nigerian Leaders of Tomorrow scholarship committees. The scope of the duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Presiding at meetings in absence of the President and Vice President of Operations & Strategy
- Seeking opportunities where the association and its Members can benefit from or assist students and/or community agencies.
- Administration of rules, policies, and procedures.
- Acting as parliamentarian for general membership, Executive Board, and special meetings, which may include being familiar with and keeping a copy of the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order for the association.
- Completing special projects as delegated by the President or the Executive Advisory Board.
- Signing check authorization requests in the absence of the President and Vice President of Operations & Strategy before the Vice President of Finance releases funds.
- Leading the association in the development and maintenance of its operational plan.
- Acting in a timely, collaborative, and responsive manner to the membership, Executive Board officers, and partners.
- Securing community and educational partnerships.
- Serving as an ex-officio member of Mentorship program committees.
- Developing, maintaining, and reporting on operational measurements and metrics
3.10.4 Director of Membership
The committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to Membership Relations, DEI and Community Partnerships. The scope of the duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Seeking opportunities where the association and its Members can benefit from or assist students and/or community agencies.
- Completing special projects as delegated by the President or the Executive Board.
- Leading the association toward business and service excellence for our membership and partners.
- Leading the association in the development and maintenance of its operational plan.
- Acting in a timely, collaborative, and responsive manner to the membership, Executive Board officers, and partners.
- Overseeing and responding to Community Relation matters
- Developing, maintaining, and reporting on membership measurements and metrics.
- Serving as ex-officio member of the Membership Relations and Community and Public Partnerships.
- Maintain membership database, Membership induction, welcome package
- Responsible for creation of new chapters
- Securing community, Overseeing, and responding to Community and National Relation matters.
3.10.5 Director of IT & Media
The standing committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to: IT, Social Media, Marketing Online/ Offline, Public Relations and Promotions. The scope of duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Collaborate with the office of VP of Operations & Strategy
- Building communications team(s).
- Assisting with revamping and maintaining the association’s website.
- Developing and maintaining contact(s) database(s).
- Developing and maintaining monthly events communications, MailChimp campaigns, and contacts.
- Developing and maintaining more robust social media execution, including LinkedIn, Fa Executive Board book, Twitter, etc.
- Developing and maintaining an online newsletter.
- Developing and maintaining photography and/or videography team components to capture events.
- Developing marketing and branding products, such as brochures, sponsor packets, media kit, etc.
- Addressing Public Relation matters with the approval of the message by the Executive Board.
3.10.6 Director of Finance
The committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to: Financial Operations, Fundraising, Financial Reporting, Finance Committee. The scope of duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Maintaining current and accurate records of the financial position of the association by recording, classifying, and summarizing all monetary transactions with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Preparing detailed, written financial records and reports for all accounts to be presented at each Executive Board meeting, with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Submitting all financial reports required by the NPG, including but not limited to, quarterly and year-end reporting, after reviewing the reports with the President and any other person(s) designated by the President or Executive Board, with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Updating 501(c)(3) status, with the assistance of the President and submitting financial reports as needed by legal or governmental agencies.
- Preparing the initial budget each year with the assistance of the President and the Finance Committee, if one has been established, to present for discussion at the Executive Board leadership retreat or the first meeting of the fiscal year.
- Oversee the maintenance of records to track actual spending versus budget, as prepared by the Treasurer.
3.10.7 Secretary
The scope of duties for this office includes, but is not limited to:
- Responsible for managing compliance committees
- Monitor and ensure the implementation of the association’s value propositions
- Collaborate with Director of Special projects to ensure the smooth election process
- Performs monthly, quarterly, bi-annual KPI
- Ensuring the effective operation and building of the Chapter’s committees.
- Overseeing implementation of and revisions to the Constitution.
- Safeguarding legal documents, reports, and minutes.
- Relinquishing records to successor or President when office ends.
- Leading the Chapter in the development and maintenance of its strategic and operational plan.
- Serving as member of the Membership Committee, and other committees as necessary.
- Obtaining and maintaining an electronic storage/access vehicle for documents and collateral.
- Assisting with completion of annual reporting, snapshots, and accomplishments report.
- Collaborate with board members in sending out emails to members
- Setting up and recording the proceedings of all general Membership (as applicable), Executive Board, and special meetings.
- Distributing copies of the Executive Board meeting minutes to its Members prior to the next Executive Board meeting for review.
- Developing and maintaining Executive Board and Director roles and responsibilities document.
- Maintaining an accurate record of all attendance at ELT meetings.
- Overseeing and responding to National Relation matters.
- Obtaining a current list of Members in Good Standing from the Vice President of Membership, vetted by the Vice President of Administration, each month.
- Making minutes readily available for review by any member in Good Standing.
- Assisting with execution of Executive Board meetings.
- Preparing and distributing agendas for all ELT meetings in advance and preparing general membership and special meeting agendas upon request.
3.10.8 Director of Special Project
The scope of duties for this office and the standing committees reporting to this office can be but are not limited to-
- Business Development
- Collaborate with VP Operations & Strategy in driving and leading strategic initiative
- Overseeing implementation of and revisions to the Constitution.
- Collaborate with Secretary to ensure the smooth election process
- Completing special projects as delegated by the President
- Assisting the President with representing the association at strategic partners meeting
- Assisting with securing corporate partnerships and sponsorships, as necessary.
- Leading the association toward business and service excellence for our membership and partners.
- Assisting with completion of annual reporting, snapshots, and accomplishments report.
Section 3.11 Appointed Positions and Standing Committees
The purpose for any committee is to perform the necessary work done on behalf of the association or the Executive Board. All committees are formed by these Bylaws, the President, and/or the Executive Board to investigate, consider, report, or act on any matter necessary and in the best interest of the.
Appointment: All standing committee chairs shall be appointed positions by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Term of Office: The term of office shall end for each appointed position when the term of the person who appointed them is over.
Termination: Any appointed chair can be removed from office by majority vote of the Executive Board as outlined in Article III Section 3.7 of the Constitution.
Section 3.12 Committee Chairperson Responsibilities:
The responsibilities of a standing committee chairperson are as follows:
- Soliciting at least two (2) Members in Good Standing to serve on the committee.
- Preparing a committee budget and activities report for the Executive Board strategic planning session each year.
- Scheduling at least three (3) committee meetings per year and notifying the elected Officer to whom the committee reports of the meeting date in advance.
- Updating the direct line elected Officer with written committee meeting minutes to document progress and submitting proposed correspondence draft to direct line Officer and President for approval before it is sent.
- Preparing written committee reports for the Executive Board meetings.
- Obtaining approval from the Executive Board, Finance Committee if one is formed, at an Executive Board meeting for any expenditure for committee events (e.g., room rental, caterer, etc.) for which checks will need to be issued. Notifying the Vice President of Finance at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of any approved expenditure for committee events for which checks will need to be issued. This would include providing the Vice President of Finance with a complete copy of any contract before it is signed by an Officer with signing authority at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of that contract signing.
- Submitting all requests for committee reimbursements with the appropriate form, signatures, and original receipts.
- Preparing a year-end list of accomplishments report.
The Standing Committees of this association are as follows, but are not limited to:
- Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Develop marketing and public relation strategies to support and market events and initiatives.
- Develop a proposed budget to support the committee initiatives and present the budget to the presiding Executive Board Officer supporting the committee. The Executive Board Officer and committee chairperson will bring forward the budget to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
- Contact newspapers, magazines, and other relevant periodicals to advertise monthly meetings and other activities.
- Write and submit press releases for major events.
- Create and update marketing brochures and/or posters to be used for recruiting members and corporate partners.
- Establish relationships with key media personnel to obtain media coverage at selected events.
- Seek opportunities to gain positive visibility for the.
- Coordinate activities with other standing committees as applicable.
- Corporate Relations: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Develop a plan for identifying and maintaining corporate partners for the.
- Develop a proposed budget to support the committee initiatives and present the budget to the presiding Executive Board Officer supporting the committee. Executive Board Officer and committee chairperson will bring forward the budget to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
- Recruit corporate partners to support the and the NGN Professional Group.
- Maintain an updated database of key contacts for current and potential corporate partners.
- Maintain professional and positive relationships with Members of the corporate community to ensure there is corporate awareness of the ’s activities.
- Sponsor the annual corporate partner reception.
- Develop an annual corporate partner report to summarize deliverables from the that were supported by a corporate partner’s sponsorship.
- Coordinate activities with other Standing Committees as applicable.
- Membership: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Recruit and retain new, renewing, and transfer members to the.
- Maintain the most current membership roster and Member addresses.
- Prepare and distribute membership information packages.
- Submit applications for membership to the NGN Professional Group office.
- Coordinate membership registration and monthly or program meetings.
- Track attendance at meetings and special events.
- Develop programs for recruitment drives and coordinate with other Standing Committees as applicable.
- Develop a proposed budget to support the committee initiatives and present the budget to the presiding Executive Board Officer supporting the committee or the Finance Committee, if one is established. Executive Board Officer and committee chairperson will bring forward the budget to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
- Programs: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Plan, develop, and present the program for the association meetings, as well as, other programs where deemed appropriate.
- Arrange the date, time, and location for the meetings.
- Develop a pipeline of meeting topics and presenters for the year.
- Collect guest fees at the meetings.
- Send appreciation letters to all speakers and contributors after meeting in coordination with the President.
- Seek underwriting for the meetings in conjunction with the Corporate Relations committee.
- Community Relations: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assess opportunities for involvement of the and individual members that increase visibility and strengthen ties in the community.
- Participate in at least one (1) significant community-related activity each year, (e.g., Christmas Party for underprivileged children, Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless or underprivileged people, Habitat for Humanity, and sponsor at least one role-model mentoring project per year, such as the Leaders of Tomorrow, Junior Achievement, Adopt-a-School, etc.
- Develop a proposed budget to support the committee initiatives and present the budget to the presiding Executive Board Officer supporting the committee and the Finance Committee if one is formed. The Executive Board Officer and committee chairperson will bring forward the budget to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
- Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) – Student Relations and Scholarship: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Recruit and retain students, mentors and corporate partners for the LOT program.
- Distribute LOT information packages.
- Track attendance at monthly LOT meetings and special events.
- Maintain the most current LOT student and mentoring participant roster.
- Develop “fun” activities for the LOT membership.
- Develop inter-organizational relations with other student mentoring programs.
- Seek opportunities where the and its Members can benefit from or assist students and/or educational institutions.
- Maintain communications with local graduate business schools and recruit student members.
- Sponsor activities that address the needs of the student members.
- Update and distribute scholarship applications.
- Coordinate the scholarship selection process and awards reception.
- Conduct one student meeting in conjunction with the Program Operations Committee each year.
- Coordinate a variety of activities, workshops, and events for LOT students that emphasize growth in the following areas:
- Leadership
- Academics
- Professional Development
- Community Service
- Securing internships and scholarships
- Goal setting and attainment
- Develop a proposed budget, overseen by the Executive Director of LOT, to support the committee initiatives and present the budget to the presiding Executive Board Officer supporting the committee and the Finance Committee, if one is established. The Executive Board Officer and Committee Chairperson will bring forward the budget to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
- Finance: The committee duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Review all budget proposals.
- Make recommendations on budget proposals to the Executive Board.
- Monitor adherence to approved budgets, with the assistance of the Vice President of Finance.
- Assist the Vice President of Finance with creating and updating financial policies and procedures, as necessary.
- Recruit and select the ’s financial reviewer or auditor, when necessary, and make a recommendation to the Executive Board for approval.
- Review the ’s financial reviewer or auditor report and make recommendations to the Executive Board, as necessary.
- The Vice President of Finance shall serve as the chair or the Finance Committee and principal liaison between the Finance Committee and the Executive Board.
- The Finance Committee shall consist of 5 to 7 Members in Good Standing and can be members of the Executive Board or Advisory Board.