Elevate 2024 Gala and Awards

Join us as we come together to ELEVATE!

Celebrating courage, hope and the

audacity to dream bigger!


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Together, we rise.

In this pivotal year, as we commemorate our 5th anniversary and 4th annual gala, we reflect deeply on our journey. This year transcends mere celebration of progress; it is a moment of elevation. The call resonates powerfully across the diaspora—a profound summons to ascend. It’s a collective awakening, where we cast off the shackles of limitation and boldly challenge the gravity of conventional boundaries. We push beyond the constraints of expectation, embracing with profound courage the audacity to dream bigger than ever before.

“Elevate” is not just a destination; it’s a continuous journey of ascent. Guided by our collective yearning to surpass limits, we navigate challenges with unwavering determination. Together, we form not a flock of lone eagles, but a cohesive force where each member’s strength enhances our collective flight.

This ascent is a shared endeavor. We extend hands, offer shoulders, and celebrate every milestone, amplifying our impact through scholarships, networking, fundraising, and more.

As we look back on how far we’ve come, where we stand today, and the boundless heights we are poised to reach, let us rewrite the narrative together. Join us in shaping a community where “Elevate” isn’t merely a theme but a transformative ethos. Let’s harness our collective power as African professionals in the diaspora to profoundly influence society.

Here’s to our journey, to our unity, and to the limitless
skies awaiting us.

The Audacity to dream bigger. dream bigger.. dream bigger...

Weekend Event Schedule

Invitation Only Event

Exclusive networking and cocktail
Friday December 6th || Time: 7pm

Ticket Event || Saturday 7th December

Event Program: 6pm - 8pm [Red Carpet/ Networking/ Cocktail and Reception]
|| 8pm - 10pm [Diner/ Award/ Entertainment/ Speaker Series] || 11pm - 1am [After Party]

Get the vibe of the venue and book a reservation!


Thank You! To all our partners and sponsors

Familiarize yourself with the event venue and make a reservation.

Please note that the hotel will accept reservations through 12 /4 / 23. After this date, any unconfirmed rooms will be released back to the hotel for the general sale and may no longer be available at the group rate

Parking information: Parking available as follows:
1. Event parking $5
2. Overnight parking $10

